These Takeaways Describe Your Digital Marketing Campaign

The fact of the matter is that running a successful digital marketing campaigns takes a lot of time and energy, not only during its implementation but also during the build up to go-live. If you’re looking to capture the attention of your target market like your favorite campaign did to you but don’t know where to start or need to hit the refresh button on an existing digital campaign, these pieces of content and strategy have been proven to help establish a solid foundation and direction for inbound marketing to move forward successfully with.These Takeaways Describe Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Target Keywords

Successful inbound marketing and content creation campaigns require targeted search engine optimization strategies. Do you know what keywords your personas are using to search for your solution? Do you know which ones you have an opportunity to start ranking for? Having a detailed and focused list of relevant, attainable target keywords for you to optimize your content for is the best way to ensure that you are as effective and efficient as possible when it comes to both SEO and content creation.


Progress in improved page rankings takes a detailed and realistic strategy regarding the keywords you choose to target with your website and blog content. The more research time you spend uncovering the most relevant and attainable keywords, the more quickly you will be able to improve your search engine rankings and traffic.

Optimized Meta Data

Before you start taking your newly selected target keywords for a spin with blog articles and site page content, you should focus first on optimizing your meta data. Do you know what your page titles should include for both search engines and site visitors? What about your meta description? Have you considered your alt text and page URL’s? Knowing what on and off-page optimization areas to focus on when implementing new keyword is extremely important when it comes to optimizing your website for search engines.


Creating a document that tracks your keywords and meta data decisions will allow you to ensure you are checking off all of the “SEO boxes” while making your life easy when it comes to tracking any and all keyword changes that may occur during your campaign. You might not be an SEO expert performing high level optimization techniques, but you will be able to at least cover some of your basic bases here.

Funnel Analysis & Offer Strategy

Inbound marketing helps generate leads through the promotion of pieces of free premium content. We all know that but what do you do when you already have a library of resources but are unsure who they are for and where they best fit in the buyer’s journey? You perform a funnel analysis of course!

Understanding what content you currently have live on your site, what assets you can potentially repurpose and convert into premium content and how you can best position them to convert, educate and nurture the right leads will then give you a much better idea of what content you will need to create moving forward in your campaign .


It can be very easy to want to immediately jump into creating a new ebook when starting an inbound marketing campaign or refocusing one already in progress but it’s not always the right option. Documenting and sorting the different assets that you currently have (either live on your site or ready to repurpose) will give you a much more strategic view of what needs to be created and when so that when it is time to create that new, you’ll know who it should be for, how it should be laid out and what you should focus its content on.

Lead Management Strategy

While the generation of leads is a key milestone for inbound marketing, it’s not the end goal. Customer creation is. So how do you go from leads to customers? You manage them through various areas of your website and marketing automation to help move them through the buyer’s journey. Mapping out and detailing all of the different elements and tools at your disposal before you begin managing and nurturing leads is crucial when it comes to the overall success of a campaign .Takeaways:

Lead management is much more than just nurturing workflows. The embarrassment of riches when it comes to the marketing automation tools at your disposal means that you can create a highly complex automated system that can better convert and nurture your database of leads in different ways at different times. The more time you spend mapping out and documenting how you can continue to push leads further through the buyer’s journey faster, the better off you’ll be once you turn the automation on.

Marketing frequently gets negative criticism for being only inventive sorts who invest little energy in examination, investigation and procedure work out. As a general rule, a percentage of the best and best marketing automation had different several worker hours devoted to only procedure well before any prospect got a look at the last item.

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